size of test
14 entries
5264 A1
Term of a single unit. This term is formed of a unique noun left unmodified.
6005 A2
gyrus angularis
Generic term of a pair unit. This term is formed of noun followed by an adjective, left unmodified
7670 A3
neuron ganglionare nanum
7044 A3
anulus tendineus communis
8088 A3
meatus acusticus externus osseus
5903 A3
strata parvocellularia
Generic set term of a pset unit. This term is at plural. This term contains a prefixed adjective.
8833 A4
neura axoaxonica isocorticis
Generic term of a pset unit. This term is at plural and presents a prefixed adjective in its base part. It has also a mandatory expansion on isocortex.
7816 A5
compartimentum infratentoriale
7053 A6
Generic set term of a pset unit of cardinality 2. This term is consequently at plural.
12438 A7
found gyri interlobares instead of gyri interlobares (par)
Specific pair set of a pset. This term is at plural with the bracket for pairs.
8295 A8
vestibulocyti typi I
Generic set term of a pset unit. This term is at plural. This term is a prefixed noun and presents simultaneously a noun complement and an invariant.
8295 A9
vestibulocytus typi I
Generic term of a pset unit. This term is at singular. This term is a prefixed noun and presents simultaneously a noun complement and an invariant.
1651 A10
musculus sphincter
Term formed from a simple apposition of two nouns, both remaining in the nominative singular.
6274 A10
fibrae associationis breves
1 failures